Lodestones Notes

Posted in Musings of the watcher. on May 8, 2010 by lodestones

While I’m trying to work out a bug where my bonesetter won’t come set Erith’s Arm, this seems like a good point for me to step back and fill you all in on whats going on with my little peatry dish. It’s been quiet a challenge keeping up with the plot, as my dwarves throw me curveball after curveball, I generally play through 6 months at a time, furiously taking screenshots and scribbling down notes about who is murdering who, and so so forth(Which slows down the gameplay to a crawl) then I go back through my notes, decide whats worth writing about, and go at it.  Some things inevitably fall through the cracks.

Which is for the best really, noone wants to hear about a wardogs epic 2 month battle with a fox, or that my one hunter is completely inept and hasn’t hit a single animal in almost 40 shots, so I try to distill it down to what I think will be interesting. If I can get my dwarves to stop killing each other this year (no mean feat) , they actually might accomplish something worth writing about. Time will tell.

I chose a completely random world, and a completely random location in it. This has turned out to be a rather dull way to go. If any of you are wondering why I have yet to be attacked by hordes of goblins, it would seem that the only goblins in the world I generated, ended up on the complete other side of the map, and on the other side of an ocean to boot.  It looks like to have any real “fun” in this game I am going to have to either delve really deep, or try to pick a fight with the humans and dwarves.

The dwarves might be starting this in 3 years:

I say “might” because its entirely possible that they will all murder each other first, we will see. If they make it that far, I am still deciding whether to dig up or down first, down seems more “dwarvish” to me, and it has more possibilities for shananagins if I encounter the odd forgotten beast in the depths.

The one thing I really and truly regret about my embark location, is that the space is very small, forcing me to be very mizerly with my digging and stone use, it may turn out for the best though, as my fortress increases in population and the strain on my PC increases. I had to scale my origional 120 tile wide tower design down to roughly 42 tiles wide, otherwise the tower would have looked ludicrous in the small space. I don’t know of any way to increase the map size once the game begins, so until I find out how, it is what it is.

Thanks for reading! More Delve coming soon.