Unexpected Company

Excerpts from the book of Erith, 22;11

15th Timber, Late fall

An unwelcome surprise this afternoon, Zuglar spied 8 figures approaching from the north, and before we could even reach for our weapons, he recognized one of them as Cerol Umstizabel , the herbalist from Fallstanford.  As they drew near, it became apparent that they were in a sorry state; Their clothes were tattered and worn, and several of them looked severely emaciated. Upon our exclamations of wonder at seeing them here, and after we had given then some food and drink, they recounted us the sad tale of the ruin of Fallstanford.

It seems that shortly after our exodus, A large goblin army besieged our former home. The Dwarves, seeing their approach had drawn back the bridge and gates as usual, and feeling safe, went about their business. Goblins had come many times before to Fallstanford, intent on pillage and rapine, only to break themselves against the stout defenses and leave in bitter frustration. This particular group of Goblins, it seems. had a unusually cunning and malicious leader, something not seen often in the ranks of the foul green-skinned creatures. Instead of a useless frontal assault, using crude iron picks ,the hallmark of their kind, the goblins had attempted to tunnel into Fallstanford.  This Goblin commander must be terrible indeed, to have driven his naturally lazy brethren to work so hard.

The Dwarves, having never encountered such methods, and having no means to counter them, were taken completely unawares.  The defense devolved into a series of deadly small skirmishes, as one party of tunnelers met another in the dimly like depths. The Dwarves might even then have survived, as they were far the better fighters, being used to the tight confines and dark of the tunnels, had the Goblins not devised a new treachery.  Undetected by the listeners, They tunneled straight down from the rough peak above, into the ceiling above the central dining hall.  Late that night they broke through the final few feet and came pouring out of the ceiling like a plague of locusts. Within hours, those fortunate few hundred who had not managed to flee into the night with whatever they could carry, were butchered in their halls like animals.  Having then so befouled the home of my youth, the creatures piled every scrap of wood they could find from the fortress and surrounding countryside into the great hall, and burned the fortress down to bare stone.

Fallstanford Falls

Upon hearing this news we lamented, for while we had no love for the Dwarves of Fallstanford, who had spurned our god and cast us out, we all looked fondly on our memories of the beautiful gem encrusted stones and elaborate halls we spent our childhood in.  We now had a great dilema ,What were we to do with these unbelievers? Our stores were low enough without 8 more mouths to feed, and besides, we hadn’t the space to accommodate them. After a heated debate, in which we beseeched Armok in vain for a sign, it was agreed that they could stay only if they accepted Armok as their lord and master.

16th timber, late fall

The Heathen scum has rejected our god! We have agreed; common hospitality demands we grant them food, but we will not let them use our tunnels, or tools, or practice in any labors besides the most common, as is the will of Armok. Let them sleep on the cold stones out in the open! Let the wolves and monkeys tear their flesh!

20th timber, late fall

After much pleading and begging by the new arrivals, I finally relented, and planned out and dug for them a modest dormitory and several storerooms out of the loamy bank near our own doorway, the effort gave me no pleasure, nor did the modest kitchens, fishery, and other workshops of the lesser unclean crafts I erected for these new arrivals please me. It did give me pleasure to copy the sacred tablets in giant runes on the walls of their homes, as a reminder to them of the disrespect they are showing Armok.

The Heathens, in their new burrow

[ I have turned off all crafts, such as woodworking, stoneworking, mechanic, crafts to reflect the views of Erith and her peers ,for the new arrivals. They are relegated to farming, herbalism, cleaning, hauling, fishing etc… I have tried as best I know how to prevent the two factions from mingling, but some overlap is inevitable. After this entry there is a long gap in the entries by Erith, as Dwarves are naturally lazy during the colder months.]

Next: Traders and Tribulations.

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