The hunt!

Excerpts from the book of Erith, 22;14

1st Hematite, Early  summer

The third law of Armok was broken today! Kubuk Vushonul, the heathen, was taken by a strange fey mood as he was working the fields today. Perhaps driven by his urge (being a master mason), to ply his craft, perhaps out of simple jealously, he seized control of my masons shop and gibbering and foaming slightly at the mouth, defended it against all comers for almost a week.  At the end of a week he emerged from the room (having barricaded the door) and announced his completion of a masterpiece marble table, naming it “MemadRimtar Arinmot.”  Instead of destroying the table in the name of Armok, Urdim claimed it as her own, perhaps she did not have the heart to destroy it, as it was truly a wonder to behold.  For breaking the laws of Armok, I have put Kubuk on my list of those to be executed is praise of Armok. Urdim gave Zulgar a ceremonial wooden practice sword, decorated with shell, and appointed him sheriff, hoping to dissuade future trouble, he was flattered, and overjoyed at the attention she payed him.

Beautiful no Doubt, but a death warrant

With a little more free time on our hands, the faithful and I have had time to improve our quarters and dining room, which now approach the level of craft suitable of dwarves of our status.

Urdim, Erith, Zuglar and Adil's new rooms

22nd Hematite. Early summer

Urdim and Adil called up the militia today, and offered whoever among them slew the foul cougar, the forgiveness of Armok, should they so seek it. I could see the desire in their eyes as she spoke, perhaps not the desire of religious fervor, but the desire to join us in using real tools, and living in smooth stone rooms again, time shall tell.

23 Hematite. Early summer

The beast was spotted today by Minkot, and immediately the drums were sounded as the militia grabbed their weapons and rushed out! In short order they were chasing the cougar up and down the mountain slope, rattling their crude spears and yelling war cries.

In a few hours they managed to corner the beast at the base of a low ridge:

Kubush Vishonul, perhaps attempting to redeem his former Blasphemy, forbade anyone from helping, and rushed in with only his wooden shield and spear, yelling fearfully all the while.  He managed, it seems, to wound the angry beast several times before colliding with the cougar at full speed, knocking it backward, but otherwise just angering it even more. He charged again, this time wounding the beast more seriously in the hind leg.

Despite the now useless hind leg, wounded, and snarling, the Cougar might have yet escaped had Cerol not rushed at it, screaming and wielding his silver war axe. The Cougar dodged, but not fast enough as the axe came down, embedding its self so far into the left foreleg of the Cougar that it stuck fast. Cerol then twisted the blade around, causing the beast finally after giving one wailing scream, to die.  All who witnessed this brave act agreed that it was Cerols blow, not Kubush’s that did the creature in.

The Brave deed of Cerol

Upon his return Cerols eyes shone with the red rage of battle, and he was covered with gore, it was clear as day to all the faithful that he had seen the face of the blood god, we welcomed him warmly…….

Next: Growing Pains

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