It is Written…

Excerpts from the book of Erith, 22;10

10th Limestone, early autumn

The last three months have gone by quickly. There has been little time for reflection, in the hectic race against the coming winter, and while we have accomplished a great deal, there is much still to be done.  Work continues in the fields, and we have a growing stock of seed, drink and preserved food, that should get us through the lean months with some to spare.

12th limestone, early autumn

I awoke this morning to the sounds of many shouts and strange shrieking, it seems that a pack of  four Rhesus Monkeys burst into the warren and started stealing everything that wasn’t nailed down.  As I opened the door to the hall, I saw Urmid narrowly avoid a vicious swipe by one of the gangly creatures, as it ran out the front entrance.

All four of the beasts met the same fate; having somehow made it into our home unscathed, upon exiting the warren, tripped the cleverly disguised stonefall traps Minok had rigged up.

Monkeys meet their grizzly Demise

We decided to leave the bodies by the entrance for some time, as a warning.

27th limestone, Early autumn

After the incident with the monkeys, it is apparent to us that further defensive measures are critical, for if those monkeys had been creatures of a fouler variety, we all might have been seriously hurt or even killed…

The New fortifications

Work began at once to expand our front gate to include some simple fortifications and more traps.  A simple trench was channeled out of the the band on either side of the doorway, and filled with water. I decided grudgingly to move my rooms and those of Urmid, deeper into the warren, and convert our old quarters into guard stations, witharrow slits pointing from behind the ditch overlooking the front doorway.  Since we are forced to spend  so much time tending our crops above ground, I am drafting plans for a short wall surrounding our fields. Thobiseth assures me this will not anger the gods of the fields overly.

10th Sandstone, mid Autmn

I have finished the tablets! I had the 6 tenants engraved in the wall of the dining room for all to read and fear the wrath of Armok:


1. Obey the Six Apostles, Urdim first among them

2. Feast to me in worship every 6th month

3.No unclean hand may touch a tool of higher craft

4.Never touch the bodies or blood of the slain, for they are mine

5.Labor in my name

6.Ever 3rd year I demand the blood of a Dwarf

The words Armok!

Upon reading them we looked around thoughtfully, for there were seven of us. I could clearly see each one of my fellows struggling with their own faith. Who was the apostate among us? Although I did not say it publicly, to me it was clear. Who among us was not blessed with the skills of the higher craft? Did not the very words of Armok himself say no unclean hands shall touch the tools our holy industries? Tobiseth, being a dwarf of lowly agricultural labor, was unclean. Not wishing to sow dissent, where it might very well prove fatal to us all in these early days, I held my peace. Later, there will be time for sacifice……

Next: Unexpected Company

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