Settling in

Excerpt’s From The Book Of Erith 22:7
3rd  slate. Late spring
Our new home has grown slowly to include crude, makeshift private quarters for myself and the prophet Urdin, the other dwarves feel uneasy at angering Armok by exposing us to their crude ways. I must admit that for one such as myself, a Dwarf more familiar at the DraftsDwarfs table than at the masons shop, my new life of labor has been hard. Life has settled into a steady routine of righteous labor, and I am working closely with foreman Adil to coordinate our efforts. It is good, after the reckless and sinful hedonism of  Fallstanford, to be blessed with a divine purpose, it is with great excitement that we all await further proofs of the blessings of Armok .
5th slate. Late spring
While my mind is far away these days, in religious contemplation, my hands continue to work the raw stone into furnishings , and our small dwelling is starting to feel more and more like home. I am content to labor thusly, while awaiting word of our holy master.  A simple garden has been planted around the pond from which we draw our water, and plans are drafted for the coming month , for a simple room dug in the sandy loam, in which to cultivate some good Dwarven crops for the coming winter.  We continue to excavate identical storerooms, and plan on moving our workshops inside soon, for safety and health, as it is commonly known to all my kind that to much open air is bad for the spirit and health.
6th slate, Late Spring
We have completed a few more identical rooms, and the workshops have been moved indoors, we can now conduct our labors in the safety of good thick earthen walls.  Zuglar, complains that the new workshop I have planned out for her puts her much to far away from the trees she needs to ply her trade, but after some heated words, she contented herself to grumbling and went back to her work of felling trees and constructing beds for the seven of us. she is a quarrelsome Dwarf, but is a skilled carpenter and has deep respect for tradition, I am glad she has survived the trip, for without her expertise we would be hard pressed to work the wood which grows in some abundance here.
10th slate, late spring
A bold and stealthy racoon, seeing the piles of gems we had set in a neat pile outside the warren door, the bounty of our first weeks of excavation, grabbed a pile of rough tsavorites and fled into the forest! After this unfortunate incident, Adil had us move our stores of goods and jems into our newly completed storeroom for safekeeping.
20th slate, early spring
Disaster! Upon taking account of our stores it was discovered our seed stocks, something wich we had taken for granted, had not survived the long journey!  Instead of our good, underground dwarven crops we are forced to make do with whatever we can gather from the countryside.  Gathering and processing  these abundant wild plants has proven dangerous, as feral wolves and foxes have sever times chased us, like frightened groundhogs into the warren.  One particular fell beast with orange eyes and a bronze fur chased me almost to the doors of the warren before giving up. I have instructed Minkot to begin crafting stone gears and pullies with which we might erect some crude traps inthe event the wildlife turns from bold to violent. Instead of tending our crops  in the safety of the warren, it seems that we will be tending our fields above ground in the human manner.  I have instructed Thobiseth our somewhat unreliable and easily frightened farmer, to begin preparing ground for a much larger field, and gather and  save seed from what wild crops he can find.
[Somehow I forgot to buy plump helmet spawn, it should prove slightly more challenging for my Dwarves to make it through the first winter. Losing, as they say, is fun.
If anyone feels like throwing me interstitial advice, i am open to any and all suggestions about my fortress, and blog.]
Next: Visions!

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